Our mission: Opening up transparent company data for all

Our mission: To deliver genuine corporate transparency for the benefit of business, communities and society

OpenCorporates has always been led by our strong public-benefit mission: to open up access to company data – so everybody benefits. 

This mission, and the strong steps we’ve taken towards achieving it so far, set us apart as not just another company data provider. After all, not every data provider can say they have: powered investigations that made front-page news, expertly advised the world’s company registers and helped push them towards opening up their data for everybody to use.

We pursue this mission because we believe corporate transparency is a critical requirement for a fairer society: to ensure that everyone knows exactly who they are working with, to tackle corruption and criminality and to create a more trusted business environment.

We recently updated our principles (the codification of our mission) so that they will continue to inspire all our stakeholders, fuel our growth and set us apart from the crowd.

Each of these principles reflects our mission to open up company data for all. Each of them aim to bring about a world where we all benefit from transparent company data

We are committed to:

1. Open access to data for all

Our data is – and will continue to be – made freely available to the general public via the OpenCorporates website without charge. We know this has a huge beneficial impact, as millions of users rely on the data we make openly available every month – from compliance professionals to investigative reporters, and everybody in between.

2. Support social causes

Our data products, such as our API and Bulk Data, are made available to journalists, NGOs, academics and other social good causes free of charge. For example: our data helped the Miami Herald expose abuse of Covid relief funding in the US and the UK, and was instrumental in the recent Pandora Papers investigation – along with countless others.

3. Advocate for open company data

We use our voice and influence to advocate for laws, policies and practices which promote open company data and corporate transparency for the benefit of everyone. As part of this, we were delighted to see that the state of Illinois recently committed to open up access to its company data, having recognised the benefits of doing so for creating a more trusted business environment.

4. Disrupt the company data market – so everybody benefits

To achieve our mission, no effort will be spared to become the ubiquitous, authoritative, go-to and foundational source for global company data – so everybody benefits.

We are a data platform in a period of high growth, as recognised in a recent Financial Times report where we were named one of the fastest growing companies in Europe. 

This commercial growth comes from hundreds of organisations using our data at scale via our API or Bulk Data, including: government agencies conducting investigations, financial institutions’ completing due diligence activities, powering a plethora of tech firms – from RegTechs to FinTechs, and many others.

But the four commitments above are part of what set us apart from legacy providers of company data. We are determined to continue our growth precisely because everybody, from the business world to social good causes, needs transparent company data.

This is a mission we can achieve, and we’ve left plenty of milestones along the way so far.

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