Now CBC Radio-Canada sues the Quebec Register too

Hot on the heels of the lawsuit we filed in Montreal against the Quebec company register comes news that the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC/Radio-Canada) is also suing the register.

The CBC suit, filed on April 12, is on the basis that the register, by restricting access to the register is “violer la liberté de la presse” (violating the freedom of the press). Specifically, the Register has refused to allow searches by names of directors and managers of companies, by reason of a decision in July 2016, and it is this decision that the CBC is seeking to get a judicial review of.

La Presse has the full story here, and we’ll update with the original filings in court when we have them.

In other news, the Quebec register has confirmed it will contest OpenCorporates’ suit – this is not surprising, but it is disappointing, given that the minister responsible has admitted the underlying law is flawed.

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